When “This Kind” Can Only Come Out by Prayer (Mark 9:29)

And he said to them, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.” (Mark 9:29)
The disciples had tried to drive out the demon. They had watched Jesus many times before. It didn’t seem at the time like something they couldn’t do. Jesus had said, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can move mountains.”
Everyone was watching, too! What would they think if they weren’t able to get rid of this evil spirit? People might have thought less of them. They may have said, “You’re not really His disciples.” Or “Look at you, you can’t do anything by yourself.” Or “Where’s your faith?”.
Have you ever been afraid of what others would think about the amount of your faith? So, humbly and privately, they ask Jesus:
And when he had entered the house, his disciples asked him privately, "Why could we not cast it out?" (Mark 9:28)
Fair question, wouldn’t you agree? Why couldn’t they perform what seemed to be a simple task? Why couldn’t they do what they had been trained to do? What they had apparently already been given the power to do?
“This kind,” Jesus said, “can only come out by prayer.”
Now there are plenty of commentaries on this passage, but what we can’t escape is the missing ingredient. Prayer.
I need to ask you to consider this next part of the post. The first part was about the disciples. This part is about you.
What are you trying to do today that can only happen… with success… through prayer?
Oh, you may be very spiritual. You may have great Biblical knowledge. You may even know the pastor personally. (Like that’s a big deal or something!) You may be a committed follower of Christ. You may have the “good attendance” pin. You may have a testimony. You know, the kind where everyone says “ooh” when you share it. You may be an example for others to follow. You may even give God the glory for great things He hath done!
But… you see—this kind—the kind you’re dealing with now—can only come out by prayer!
Today—whatever it is—no matter what people might think or say—turn it over to the God who loves you beyond your ability to understand! Let Him know you need Him and Him alone. Tell Him you realize that apart from Him you can do nothing!
PRAY! Pray as you’ve never prayed before.
Then get out of His way and let Him do His work!
You may now want to read THIS POST on prayer—Hezekiah’s example of effective prayer.
Ron Edmondson pastors Immanuel Baptist Church. Find out more at: http://www.ronedmondson.com/about Photo: ©GettyImages/Javier_Art_Photography