Sunday School Lesson: Creation

Creation: Sunday School Lesson Introduction
Bottom line: God created the world!
Objective: Kids will learn that they were created by God.
Key passage: Genesis 1:1-27, Creation
Creation story
From the day you were big enough to sit at a table, you were taught to be creative. Did you know that? You were all probably too young to remember, but very early on, when you were still toddlers, you all had your first encounter with art. It might have been a set of washable markers, or a box of crayons, or if you were really lucky some finger paints. Whatever it was your parents gave you, they gave it to you to teach you to be creative and use your imagination.
Art is a uniquely human thing. You don’t see animals in the wild making sculptures or paintings or even sketches on a wall. The Bible tells us that we were created in God’s image. The God who created us is a creative God. Any time we create art, or music, or even a work of fiction or drama, we are using the same kind of creative imagination.
Today we’re starting a series of lessons that are all about art. We’re going to talk about some of the fun things that we use to make art, and we’re going to see that these artistic tools can teach us a few things about God. Our artistic journey begins today with one of the most hands-on art forms. Modeling clay is a fun way to create art because it allows us to use our hands and craft something three-dimensional. When we let our imagination run wild, we can use modeling clay to make just about anything. We can create animals, houses, cars, boats, airplanes, and smiley faces. And even if you’re not good at crafting the fine details, just about anyone can take a ball of clay and roll it into a snake!
Modeling clay is all about using our hands to make something from what seems to be nothing. When we open up our Bibles, we see that’s exactly what God did in the beginning. The first thing the Bible tells us about God is that He created the world. I think that shows us that God has a lot of creativity and imagination if He thought of EVERYTHING in the whole world!
Creation story: Main point
The Bible tells us that God created the world in six days. Does that sound like a lot of time to you? What if I told you that Leonardo da Vinci, one of the greatest painters in the world, took four years to paint his masterpiece the Mona Lisa? Four years!! God didn’t need 4 years, 4 months, or even 4 weeks to create the world. He created the whole world - the oceans, the land, the sky, the animals, the birds, the fish, the plants, everything - in six days.
He not only made every unique creature on Earth, he designed everything to fit together perfectly for life to thrive on this planet. God is creative. He made the whole world and everything in it. Then he made people in his image to share and enjoy this beautiful world.
Drive it home
Knowing that God made us is one of the most important messages in the whole Bible. Sometimes we can get discouraged and frustrated. We can get down on ourselves when we feel like things aren’t going well. We get sad when we feel like our best isn’t good enough. We get frustrated when we can’t do the things we want to do. When life gets you down, go back to Genesis 1. Remember that you were created by a creative God. Remember that he made this whole world for us. Remember that he made you in his image.
If you don’t have a Bible handy, grab a pencil and start to draw. Any time you draw a picture, you are creating, just like your Heavenly Father. Any time you color, or paint, or make music or write a story or a poem, you are creating.
Creation: Sunday School Lesson Conclusion
Our creativity reminds us that we were made in God’s image. God is creative. He made the whole world, and he made you. Whenever you dig your hands into clay, or Play Doh, or any art supplies, remember that you were made to be creative, and remember that you are loved by your Creator!
Dear God,
Thank you for all your hands have made.
In Jesus’ name,
Photo credit: Unsplash/Alex Jones
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