Psalms 15

The Book of Psalms
Chapter 15

Chapter Overview:

The scope of this short, but excellent psalm, is to shew us the way to heaven. Here is a question proposed, ver. 1.
The answer to it, ver. 2 - 5.
A psalm of David.
15:1Who - Who shall so dwell in thy church here, as to dwell with thee for ever in heaven?
15:2Uprightly - Loving, and serving God, and loving his neighbour not in word only, but in truth; and this constantly. Worketh - Makes it his business to do justly, to give to every one his due, first to God, and then to men. Speaketh - His words and professions to God and men, agree with the thoughts and purposes of his heart.
15:3He - He that doth not speak evil of his neighbour.Neighbour - That is, any man. Nor taketh - Into his mouth, doth not raise it, neither spread or propagate it; or believe it without sufficient reason.
15:4Vile - An ungodly man. Honoureth - He highly esteems and loves them, though they be mean as to their worldly condition, and though they may differ from him in some opinions or practices of lesser moment.Sweareth - A promissory oath. Hurt - To his own damage. As if a man solemnly swear, that he will sell him such an estate at a price below the full worth; or that, he will give a poor man such a sum of money, which afterwards he finds inconvenient to him. Changeth not - His purpose, but continues firm and resolved to perform his promise.
15:5To usury - In such a manner as is contrary to God's law: of which see otherwise, Exodus 22:25 ps 15: , Leviticus 25:36 , 37, &c.Reward - Or, a bribe for him who hath a bad cause. Moved - He shall abide with God here, and when he dies be for ever with the Lord.