Psalm 95 Study Notes
95:1 The rock of our salvation is a metaphorical expression denoting security and safety. The Hebrew word for “rock” describes the steadfast character of God (18:1-2,31; 73:26; 92:15; 144:1; Dt 32:15; 2Sm 22:47; Is 44:8).
95:2 To enter his presence means to worship God at the temple. The word for thanksgiving can also mean “thank offering.”
95:3 The Lord is a great God is an expression prevalent in the psalms that celebrate the Lord’s kingship (47:2,7-8; 48:2-3; 96:4; 97:9; 136:2; 149:2). On above all gods, see notes at 29:1; 82:1.
95:4 God understands incomprehensible things such as the foundations of the earth (Jr 31:37), the depths of the ocean (Jb 38:16), or the depth of God himself (Jb 11:7). The power of God extends from the bottom of the sea to the mountain peaks.
95:5 The sea and the dry land belong to God because he created them. In Jnh 1:9 the same phrase is part of the prophet’s confessional statement about his identity.
95:6 The same God who created the world created humanity as well. Both the cosmos and humanity kneel before their Creator.
95:7 The Lord, who created the world, also created Israel. On people of his pasture, compare 79:13. He serves a dual role as Creator and Shepherd in Is 43:1,15. Those who truly belong to the Lord will hear his voice and respond to him.
95:8-11 These verses recall Ex 17:1-7 and Nm 20:2-13. The psalm relies heavily on the covenantal associations and language of the two texts.
95:8-9 Do not harden warns against the self-reliance of God’s people, who followed their own counsel and complained in the wilderness. The names Meribah (“contention, controversy”) and Massah (“test”) were given by Moses to the location where God provided water from a rock after the people tested God (Ex 17:7; Nm 20:13; Dt 6:16). The Lord tested Israel’s faithfulness in the wilderness (Dt 8:2; 33:8). The Hebrew word for “tested” describes the refining of precious metals by smelting (Zch 13:9).
95:10 Although the original group that departed Egypt would not enter Canaan because of their sinfulness, Caleb and Joshua would lead the next generation into the promised land (Nm 14:30).
95:11 On enter my rest, compare Dt 12:9. A person may rest at home or rest through relief from enemies. God rested on the Sabbath (Gn 2:2) and rests among his people (2Ch 6:41-42). The concept of rest reaches its full development in Heb 4:3-11.