Psalm 71 Study Notes
71:1-4 Rock . . . refuge, and fortress convey the idea of the Lord’s protection (see notes at 18:1-2; 31:1-4). The requests for rescue seem to be not from immediate but rather from prospective danger.
71:5-6 The combination of youth . . . birth, and mother’s womb shows that the psalmist had been loyal to the Lord throughout his life. For always, note also vv. 8 and 14.
71:7-8 Miraculous sign (Hb mopheth) can refer to an extraordinary display of divine power to terrify enemies (Ex 7:3; 11:9; Dt 6:22) or an extraordinary sign that points to a future event (1Kg 13:3,5; Is 20:3). Here, the psalmist apparently displays evidence of suffering that many observers consider some kind of warning. It is similar to “I am dreaded” in 31:11.
71:9 Discard (Hb shlk) is a common word for “throw” or “cast.” In this context it refers to God abandoning the psalmist (51:11), perhaps because of his loss of strength. Note also v. 12.
71:10-11 The psalmist’s enemies assumed that God was no longer paying attention to him (Jb 19:13-21). No one to rescue him recalls similar texts that use the image of wild animals devouring their prey (7:2; 50:22).
71:12-13 On the request not to be far from me, see Ps 22:11; 35:22; 38:21; Ac 17:27. Contrast Pr 15:29. On prayer for the disgrace of enemies, see notes at 35:21; 40:14-15.
71:14-16 Righteousness and salvation are often paired in testimonies of God’s mighty acts toward his people (40:10; 51:14). Public praise is the responsibility of a person who experiences deliverance by the Lord (see note at 22:22-24).
71:17-18 The instruction of the Lord in the psalmist’s life is passed on to other generations. This was part of his vow to the Lord for delivering him from suffering.
71:19 Reaches the heights means “goes beyond comprehension” (36:5; 57:10).
71:20-21 On depths of the earth, see note at 63:9. The psalmist was brought up from the very edge of death.
71:22-24 Holy One of Israel is a favorite title for the Lord in the book of Isaiah. Here it links the psalmist who is suffering with the nation of Israel and with the Lord’s covenant promises.