Psalm 149 Study Notes


149:1 On Hallelujah! see note at 146:1. This introduction sing . . . a new song usually denotes dynamic intervention not previously experienced by the writer (33:1-3; 96:1; 98:1; Is 42:10; 61:1). The faithful (see note at 132:9) is a designation for Israel.

149:2 The Hebrew for its Maker (be‘osayw) is a plural of majesty (Jb 35:10; Is 54:5). Israel is doubly obligated to honor God since he is both their Creator and their King.

149:3 Dancing and music were typical modes of worship in the temple (30:11; 87:7; 150:4).

149:4-5 Just as Israel glorified God, so the Lord adorned Israel by saving them and giving them glory (Is 60:9; 61:1-3).

149:6 The Hebrew word for double-edged consists of a variation on the word peh (“mouth”), an archaic form of the plural (piphiyyoth) meaning “multi-mouthed.” Is 41:15 has the same word, translated “many teeth.” In Pr 5:4 “double-edged” is the plural “mouths” and in Jdg 3:16 it is literally “two mouths.”

149:7-9 God will put the sword (v. 6) in Israel’s hand to execute retaliation for wrongdoing (18:47; 58:11; 79:10; 94:1; cp. Est 9:5; Is 13:3; Rm 13:4). Just as God’s people were captured and imprisoned, so the Lord will bind kings with chains and shackles (Is 45:14). Submission of world powers to God’s people will bring honor to Israel.