Psalm 135 Study Notes


135:1-21 Nearly every verse of this psalm quotes or is quoted by other Scripture, such as Ps 115.

135:1 On Hallelujah!, see note at 104:35.

135:2 People stood in the temple to worship (134:1; Neh 9:3), pray (2Ch 20:9), and serve (Dt 10:8; Ezk 44:15).

135:3 The Lord’s name is his character or reputation (see v. 13; see note at 20:1).

135:4 God’s treasured possession (Hb segullah) always referred to Israel (Ex 19:5; Dt 7:6; 14:2; 26:18; Mal 3:17).

135:5 On greater than all gods, see notes at 29:1; 82:1.

135:6 Compare this verse with 115:3. The Lord’s decree accomplishes his purposes (Is 55:11). The depths (24:2; Ex 20:4) and the seas (Is 24:15-16; 42:10) illustrate the Lord’s authority over all creation.

135:7 An identical verse occurs in Jr 10:13; 51:16 (cp. Jb 38:22). God controls the weather. The Hebrew word ’otser (storehouses) is also used for a temple treasury or royal storeroom.

135:8-9 Verses 8-12 are similar to Ps 136. The God-ordained death of the firstborn in Egypt was virtually equivalent to killing their gods, since Pharaoh and his offspring were considered divine. The plagues were Yahweh’s polemic against false Egyptian gods. The direct address against you, Egypt could be translated “in the midst of Egypt.”

135:10-12 Sihon and Og were kings who denied Israel passage through their lands (Nm 21:33-35; cp. Ps 136:19-20). During the conquest of Canaan, the Lord gave Israel the land that had belonged to these kings.

135:13-14 The enduring character of God’s name is based on his salvific work.

135:15-18 See note at 115:4-8.

135:19-20 Each sector is called upon to bless and acknowledge the Lord as their God, beginning with the nation (Israel), the high priest (Aaron), the priesthood (Levi), and concluding with the community (cp. 115:9-11).