Psalm 122 Study Notes
Ps 122 title On ascents, see note at Ps 120 title.
122:1-9 Sharing terminology and imagery with Is 2:2-4, this psalm may be an adaptation of that prophetic passage. The focus of the psalm is on the features of the city: house (vv. 1,5,9), gates (v. 2), thrones (v. 5), walls (v. 7), and fortresses (v. 7).
122:1 On go to the house of the Lord, compare Is 2:3; Jr 31:6.
122:2 Standing within the gates means entering the Lord’s presence.
122:4 The tribes are the twelve tribes of Israel. The Lord’s tribes occurs only here in the Bible. Attendance at the three yearly festivals was mandatory. These were Passover, the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), and the Festival of Shelters (Ex 23:14-17; Lv 23; Dt 16).
122:5 The phrase thrones for judgment refers to the judicial function of the central sanctuary (Dt 17:8-13; 2Sm 8:15; 15:2-6), while the thrones of the house of David refers to kings of Davidic descent. The temple that Solomon built contained a “Hall of the Throne” (1Kg 7:7).
122:6-7 Well-being permits the pursuit of security (1Kg 4:20-25; 1Tm 2:1-2).
122:8-9 The pilgrimage to the temple prompted the psalmist to pursue . . . prosperity for everyone in the community.