Proverbs 16
Chapter 16
16:1 | From the Lord - Men can neither think nor speak wisely and well without Divine assistance. |
16:2 | Weigheth - Exactly knows as men do the things which they weigh.Spirits - The hearts of men. |
16:3 | Commit - Refer all thy actions and concerns to God, as the end of them, and depend upon God's providence for success. Established - Thy designs shall be brought to an happy issue. |
16:4 | Doth work - He orders or disposes. For - For his own glory; for the discovery of his wisdom, power, goodness, truth, justice.The wicked - Wilful and impenitent sinners. Men make themselves wicked, and God therefore makes them miserable. |
16:6 | By mercy - By a merciful and just and faithful frame of heart and course of life. Is purged - As they qualify a man to offer up acceptable prayers to God for the pardon of his sins. By fear - By a filial reverence unto God. Depart - They are kept from abusing pardoning mercy, and from returning to folly or wickedness. |
16:9 | Deviseth - Proposes what he will do. Directeth - Over - rules and disposes all his designs and actions. |
16:10 | A divine sentence - Great sagacity and piercing judgment.Of the king - Of wise kings; who only are worthy of that name and office. |
16:11 | The Lord's - Are made by his direction and appointment, so that no man can alter them without violating God's rights and authority. |
16:15 | A cloud - As acceptable as those clouds which bring the latter rain, whereby the fruits are filled and ripened a little before the harvest. |
16:17 | The high - way - Their common road, in which they walk, tho' through frailty or temptation they slip into the bypath of sin.From evil - From the evil of sin, and consequently from the evil of punishment. Keepeth - That takes heed to walk in that high - way. |
16:20 | Good - He who orders his affairs with discretion. |
16:21 | The wise - He who is truly wise, shall be so accounted by others.Sweetness - Eloquence added to wisdom. Increaseth - Both in himself, for while a man teaches others, he improves himself; and others, who by this means are induced to hear and receive his instructions. |
16:22 | The instruction - Their most grave and serious counsels are foolish. |
16:23 | Teacheth - Directs him what to speak, and keeps him from speaking foolishly. Addeth - Enables him to speak learnedly and wisely. |
16:27 | Diggeth up - Prosecutes his evil designs with great industry.His lips - His tongue is set on fire of hell. |
16:30 | Shutteth - That his thoughts may be more intent.Moving - Which is the gesture of one whose thoughts are deeply engaged. |
16:32 | Is better - Of a more gallant and generous spirit, and more valiant and victorious. |
16:33 | The lot - As the ancient practice was in deciding doubtful things.The event of which though casual to men, is directed by God's providence. |