Proverbs 3:6

Proverbs 3:6

In all thy ways acknowledge him
Or "know him" F12; the Lord: set him before thee; have him always in view; consider him as ever present with thee, observing every step thou takest; and take not one step without his leave, and without his advice; ask wisdom of him who gives liberally; consult his word, and make the Scriptures thy counsellors, or the men of thy counsel, as in ( Psalms 119:24 ) ; take him as your guide; observe the footsteps of his providence; follow the Lamb wheresoever he goes; walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit; when things go cross and adverse, and not to your mind, submit to his sovereignty; and be still and know that he is God, that does all things right, for his own glory and his people's good, ( Psalms 46:10 ) ; and when things succeed, give him the glory of all; own his hand in it, and the bounty of it; acknowledge that all you have, in providence and grace, come from him; and he shall direct thy paths;
man cannot direct his own; no, not a man: this is a blessing from the Lord; who steps of his people, keeps the feet of his saints, and directs them aright in things temporal and spiritual, ( Jeremiah 10:23 ) ( Psalms 37:23 ) ( 1 Samuel 2:9 ) .


F12 (whed) "scito eum", Pagninus, Montanus.

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