Introduction to Nehemiah
See the Introduction to Ezra for Nehemiah’s introductory material.

The tomb of Artaxerxes I, fifth king of Persia (465-424 BC). Artaxerxes believed it was in Persia’s interest to support the missions of Ezra and Nehemiah to build up Jerusalem and secure the city from enemies in the region. According to the Greek historian Ctesias, both Artaxerxes and his wife Damaspia died on the same day. Their only legitimate son, Xerxes II, took the throne.
I.Rebuilding the Walls (1:1-6:19)
A.Jerusalem’s plight and Nehemiah’s prayer (1:1-11)
B.Nehemiah’s mission (2:1-10)
C.Surveying the walls (2:11-20)
D.Rebuilding begun (3:1-32)
E.Opposition and oppression (4:1-6:19)
II.Restoration of the Community (7:1-13:31)
A.Repopulating Jerusalem (7:1-73a)
B.The covenant renewed (7:73b-10:39)
C.Repopulating Jerusalem [continued] (11:1-21)
D.Essential records (11:22-36)
E.Temple personnel (12:1-26)
F.Dedication of the wall (12:27-47)
G.Nehemiah’s further reforms (13:1-31)