Kings of the Divided Monarchy

Kings of the Divided Monarchy
Rehoboam 922-915 924-907 Jeroboam I 922-901 924-903
Abijam 915-913 907-906 *Nadab 901-900 903-902
Asa 913-873 905-874
Baasha 900-877 902-886
*Elah 877-876 886-885
Zimri (suicide) 876
The Omrides 876-842 885-843
Jehoshaphat 873-849 874-850 Omri 876-869 885-873
Ahab 869-850 873-851
Ahaziah 850-849 851-849
Jehoram 849-843 850-843 *Jehoram 849-842 849-843
Ahaziah 843-842 843 Dynasty of Jehu 842-746 843-745
Athaliah (usurper) 842-837 843-837 Jehu 843/2-815 843-816
Joash 837-800 837-? Jehoahaz 815-802 816-800
Amaziah 800-783 ?-? Jehoash (Joash) 802-786 800-785
Uzziah (Azariah) 783-742 ?-? Jeroboam II 786-746 785-745
Jotham 742-735 ?-742 *Zechariah 746-745 745
*Shallum 745 745
Ahaz 735-715 742-727 Menahem 745-737 745-736
*Pekahiah 737-736 736-735
*Pekah 736-732 735-732
Hoshea 732-724 732-723
Fall of Samaria 722 722
Hezekiah 715-687/6 727-698

Asterisk (*) indicates assassination

1 Dates preferred by John Bright, A History of Israel, 3rd. ed.

2 Dates preferred by J. Maxwell Miller and

John H. Hays, A History of Ancient Israel and Judah.

Indicates dynasty

Manasseh 687/6-642 697-642
Amon 642-640
Josiah 640-609 640-609
Jehoahaz 609 609
Jehoiakim 609-598 609-598
Jehoiachin 598/7 598/597
Zedekiah 597-587 597-586

Destruction of

Jerusalem and the temple


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