Book of Nehemiah ESV


Summary of the Book of Nehemiah

This summary of the book of Nehemiah provides information about the title, author(s), date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the Book of Nehemiah.


  • Nehemiah's First Administration (chs. 1-12)
    • Nehemiah's Response to the Situation in Jerusalem (ch. 1)
      1. News of the plight of Jerusalem (1:1-4)
      2. Nehemiah's prayer (1:5-11)
    • Nehemiah's Journey to Jerusalem (2:1-10)
      1. The king's permission (2:1-8)
      2. The journey itself (2:9-10)
    • Nehemiah's First Actions upon Arrival (2:11-20)
      1. His nocturnal inspection of the walls (2:11-16)
      2. His exhortation to rebuild (2:17-18)
      3. His response to opposition (2:19-20)
    • List of the Builders of the Wall (ch. 3)
      1. The northern section (3:1-7)
      2. The western section (3:8-13)
      3. The southern section (3:14)
      4. The eastern section (3:15-32)
    • Opposition to Rebuilding the Wall (ch. 4)
      1. The derision of Sanballat and Tobiah (4:1-5)
      2. The threat of attack (4:6-15)
      3. Rebuilding the wall (4:16-23)
    • Social and Economic Problems (ch. 5)
      1. The complaints of the poor (5:1-5)
      2. The cancellation of debts (5:6-13)
      3. Nehemiah's unselfish example (5:14-19)
    • The Wall Rebuilt Despite Opposition (ch. 6)
      1. Attempts to snare Nehemiah (6:1-9)
      2. The hiring of false prophets (6:10-14)
      3. The completion of the wall (6:15-19)
    • List of Exiles (7:1-73a)
      1. Provisions for the protection of Jerusalem (7:1-3)
      2. Nehemiah's discovery of the list of returnees (7:4-5)
      3. The returnees delineated (7:6-72)
      4. Settlement of the exiles (7:73a)
    • Ezra's Preaching and the Outbreak of Revival (7:73b;10:39)
      1. The public exposition of the Scriptures (7:73b;8:12)
      2. The Feast of Tabernacles (8:13-18)
      3. A day of fasting, confession and prayer (9:1-5a)
      4. A recital of God's dealings with Israel (9:5b-31)
      5. Confession of sins (9:32-37)
      6. A binding agreement (9:38)
      7. A list of those who sealed it (10:1-29)
      8. Provisions of the agreement (10:30-39)
    • New Residents of Judah and Jerusalem (ch. 11)
      1. New residents for Jerusalem (11:1-24)
        1. Introductory remarks (11:1-4a)
        2. Residents from Judah (11:4b-6)
        3. From Benjamin (11:7-9)
        4. From the priests (11:10-14)
        5. From the Levites (11:15-18)
        6. From the temple staff (11:19-24)
      2. New residents for Judah (11:25-36)
        1. Places settled by those from Judah (11:25-30)
        2. Places settled by those from Benjamin (11:31-35)
        3. Transfer of Levites from Judah to Benjamin (11:36)
    • Lists of Priests and the Dedication of the Wall (ch. 12)
      1. Priests and Levites from the first return (12:1-9)
      2. High priests and Levites since Joiakim (12:10-26)
      3. Dedication of the wall of Jerusalem (12:27-43)
      4. Regulation of the temple offerings and services (12:44-47)
  • Nehemiah's Second Administration (ch. 13)

From the NIV Study Bible, Introductions to the Books of the Bible, Nehemiah
Copyright 2002 © Zondervan. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

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