Hebrews 13

The Book of Hebrews
Chapter 13
13:1Brotherly love is explained in the following verses.
13:2Some - Abraham and Lot. Have entertained angels unawares - So may an unknown guest, even now, be of more worth than he appears, and may have angels attending him, though unseen. Genesis 18:2 ; Gen 19:1.
13:3Remember - In your prayers, and by your help.Them that are in bonds, as being bound with them - Seeing ye are members one of another. And them that suffer, as being yourselves in the body - And consequently liable to the same.
13:4Marriage is honourable in, or for all sorts of men, clergy as well as laity: though the Romanists teach otherwise. And the bed undefiled - Consistent with the highest purity; though many spiritual writers, so called, say it is only licensed whoredom. But whoremongers and adulterers God will judge - Though they frequently escape the sentence of men.
13:5He - God. Hath said - To all believers, in saying it to Jacob, Joshua, and Solomon. Genesis 28:15 ; Jos 1:5; 1Chr 28:20.
13:6 Psalms 118:6 .
13:7Remember them - Who are now with God, considering the happy end of their conversation on earth.
13:8Men may die; but Jesus Christ, yea, and his gospel, is the same from everlasting to everlasting.
13:9Be not carried about with various doctrines - Which differ from that one faith in our one unchangeable Lord.Strange - To the ears and hearts of all that abide in him.For it is good - It is both honourable before God and pleasant and profitable That the heart be stablished with grace - Springing from faith in Christ. Not with meats - Jewishceremonies, which indeed can never stablish the heart.
13:10On the former part of this verse, the fifteenth and sixteenth depend; on the latter, the intermediate verses. We have an altar - The cross of Christ. Whereof they have no right to eat - To partake of the benefits which we receive therefrom. Who serve the tabernacle - Who adhere to the Mosaic law.
13:11For - According to their own law, the sin - offerings were wholly consumed, and no Jew ever ate thereof. But Christ was a sin - offering. Therefore they cannot feed upon him, as we do, who are freed from the Mosaic law.
13:12Wherefore Jesus also - Exactly answering those typical sin - offerings. Suffered without the gate - Of Jerusalem, which answered to the old camp of Israel. That he might sanctify - Reconcile and consecrate to God. The people - Who believe in him. By his own blood - Not those shadowy sacrifices, which are now of no farther use.
13:13Let us then go forth without the camp - Out of the Jewish dispensation. Bearing his reproach - All manner of shame, obloquy, and contempt for his sake.
13:14For we have here - On earth No continuing city - All things here are but for a moment; and Jerusalem itself was just then on the point of being destroyed.
13:15The sacrifice - The altar is mentioned, Hebrews 13:10 ; now the sacrifices:
  1. Praise;
  2. Beneficence;
with both of which God is well pleased.
13:17Obey them that have the rule over you - The word implies also, that lead or guide you; namely, in truth and holiness. And submit yourselves - Give up (not your conscience or judgment, but) your own will, in all things purely indifferent. For they watch over your souls - With all zeal and diligence, they guard and caution you against all danger. As they that must give account - To the great Shepherd, for every part of their behaviour toward you.How vigilant then ought every pastor to be! How careful of every soul committed to his charge! That they may do this - Watch over you. With joy and not with groans - He is not a good shepherd, who does not either rejoice overthem, or groan for them. The groans of other creatures are heard: how much more shall these come up in the ears of God !Whoever answers this character of a Christian pastor may undoubtedly demand this obedience.
13:20The everlasting covenant - The Christian covenant, which is not temporary, like the Jewish, but designed to remain for ever. By the application of that blood, by which this covenant was established, may he make you, in every respect, inwardly and outwardly holy!
13:22Suffer the word of exhortation - Addressed to you in this letter, which, though longer than my usual letters, is yet contained in few words, considering the copiousness of the subject.
13:23If he come - To me.
13:25 - Grace be with you all - St. Paul's usual benediction.God apply it to our hearts!