The CSB was undertaken as a translation that strongly supports Bible study. In the CSB Study Bible®, the Scripture is primary. All features and tools are designed to help you understand the Scripture and be transformed by it.
Two kinds of CSB notes enable you to see for yourself how the translation was derived. When translators do their work, they begin with several possible translations that reflect the original language. ALTERNATE TRANSLATIONS marked by Or. See some of the options CSB translators considered. A second kind of note marks LITERAL TRANSLATIONS. They are indicated by Lit. CSB aims to be as literal as possible. Where a literal translation doesn’t conform to good English style, CSB translators find a way to render the expression that optimizes accuracy and readability. The Lit feature enables you to see the literal translation for yourself and compare it with what the CSB translators view as the most accurate translation of the sentence or phrase.
CROSS REFERENCES point to other Bible passages that are related to the text on which you are focusing.
STUDY NOTES provide historical, cultural, linguistic, and biblical information that enhances your understanding of a given passage. Words in bold are directly from the Scripture text.
BOLDED TEXT IN THE NEW TESTAMENT are words quoted directly from the Old Testament.
MAPS illuminate the Bible text by showing its geographical context.
CHARTS organize information in a way that enables the reader to grasp important connections quickly.
WORD STUDIES enable the reader to see a key word and the family of words to which it is related. It also shows a range of expression in which that word functions.
ILLUSTRATIONS recreate architectural structures that were part of the landscape in which the Bible was written. Being able to visualize these structures provides a context in which to read and study passages of Scripture. Both the writer of the passage and many of his first readers knew these structures first hand.
PHOTOS, like Illustrations and Maps, provide visual context known by the biblical writers and many of their first readers. Being able to see the context is a significant aid to comprehension. Both Cyril of Jerusalem (AD 315-386) and Jerome (340-420) called the land of the Bible “the Fifth Gospel.” Experiencing the land by photos enriches one’s reading and understanding of the Bible.
INTRODUCTIONS give overviews of books by providing information on Circumstances of Writing including Author and Background, Message and Purpose, Contribution to the Bible, Structure, and Outline.
TIMELINES place the book in a chronological framework of biblical events (black font) and events of world history (brown font).
ESSAYS give in-depth coverage to major biblical/theological issues.