Ezekiel 45 Study Notes
45:1-4 In Ezekiel the allotments of the land were aligned with the east-west orientation of the temple. This differed from the divisions after the conquest in Joshua’s time. These divisions did not follow any pattern. The allotment of the land is outlined in greater detail in 47:13-48:35.
45:5 The designation of the Levite settlements as towns or cities (Hb ‘arim) recalls the Levitical cities prescribed in Nm 35:1-8. The centralization of the priests in this new arrangement contrasts with the rest of OT history when priests and Levites were scattered throughout the land.
45:6-8 On either side of the central district, the prince would have land. He would oversee the division of land to the tribes.
45:9 Israel’s political leaders had disregarded the rights of others throughout their history (19:1-9; 22:6,25; 34:1-10).
45:10-12 The law warned against cheating people with false weights and measures (Lv 19:35-36; Dt 25:13-16; Mc 6:10-12). Holiness in the temple required just, standardized, honest measures as well (Pr 11:1; 20:10; Am 8:5).
45:13-17 The people were responsible to make regular contributions to the prince for the operation of the sacrificial system.
45:18-20 The first of the first month was to be a time of purification of the temple.
45:21-22 The fact that the prince will make a sin offering for himself shows that he was not the promised Messiah.
45:23 The offering of seven bulls and seven rams daily conflicts with the offerings for the Passover Festival in Nm 28:19.