Ezekiel 30 Study Notes


30:1-2 The day of the Lord theme occurs in many prophetic books (Is 2:6-21; 13-14; Jl 1-2; Am 5:18-20; Obadiah; Zph 1:2-18; 2:1-3).

30:3 Clouds often appear in texts that address the changes that take place in the end times (v. 18; 32:7-8; 34:12; Jl 2:2; Zph 1:15).

30:4 Death, plunder, and destruction would come to Egypt.

30:5 The phrase men of the covenant land is literally “sons of the land of the covenant.” It contains an implied reference to Jewish mercenaries who fought with Pharaoh’s forces.

30:6-12 Ruin would even come on Egypt’s allies, and Cush, its neighbor, would tremble in fear. Foreigners would bring desolation on Egypt.

30:13 The judgment that will be executed against Egypt (I will destroy the idols and put an end to the false gods in Memphis) recalls language of the exodus account (Ex 6:6), perhaps suggesting a reenactment of the exodus.

30:14-19 Judgment would come on the major cities of Egypt, centers of religious, political, and military influence.

30:20 The date formula indicates that this oracle was announced shortly before the fall of Jerusalem. The date may allude to Pharaoh Hophra’s attempt to intervene to deliver Judah from the crisis (Jr 37:5).

30:21-26 The figurative expression I have broken the arm of Pharaoh refers to Nebuchadnezzar’s defeat of Hophra, who attempted to relieve Jerusalem in 588 BC (2Kg 24:7; Jr 37:5).