Introduction to 2 Timothy

Rome’s Colosseum in winter. In closing his second letter to Timothy, Paul urged Timothy to come from Ephesus: “When you come, bring the cloak I left in Troas with Carpus, as well as the scrolls, especially the parchments. . . . Make every effort to come before winter” (4:13,21). As winter approached, the Mamertine Prison, the traditional site where Paul was incarcerated, would not have afforded protection as the temperature dropped. Construction on the Colosseum didn’t begin until a few years after Paul’s death. It opened in AD 80.
I.Greetings and Thanksgiving (1:1-7)
II.Not Ashamed of the Gospel (1:8-12)
III.Loyal to the Faith (1:13-18)
IV.Strong in Grace (2:1-13)
V.An Approved Worker (2:14-26)
VI.Preparation for Difficult Times (3:1-9)
VII.The Sacred Scriptures (3:10-17)
VIII.Fulfilling Your Ministry (4:1-8)
IX.Final Instructions (4:9-18)
X.Benediction (4:19-22)