1 Chronicles 22 Study Notes


22:1 Since the threshing floor of Ornan had become the place where David worshiped the Lord, he declared that on this exact site the temple would be built. This temporary altar would mark the location of the permanent altar.

22:2-4 The temple would require stones, metal, and wood for its construction. David conscripted the resident aliens living in the land to work as slaves to do the heavy labor of cutting stones for the temple and the foundation walls.

22:5 This is the first time we learn that Solomon would succeed David and build the temple.

22:6-10 In a private conversation, David gave instructions to Solomon about the building of the temple. David’s personal history of warfare and shed . . . blood disqualified him from being the temple builder. On the other hand, Solomon would enjoy peace and rest. His name meant “Man of Peace.” He would be allowed to build the temple.

22:11-13 David blessed Solomon and charged him to be obedient and courageous. He prayed that God would give Solomon insight and understanding. Perhaps this is why Solomon was to ask God for wis-dom (1Kg 3:9). The words of 1Ch 22:13 recall those received by Joshua (Dt 31:6,7,23; Jos 1:6-7,9,18).

22:14-16 David encouraged Solomon not to delay in completing the project.

22:17-19 David emphasized that after all the wars he had fought, there would now be a period of rest. The time was right for the leaders to help Solomon build a permanent temple.